Electrical work

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Electric work

Electrical and CCTV camera installation test and inspections internal and external replacement of lamps Blown fuses, Circuit Breakers Socket outlets, Fused spurs, Light switches, Fault finding, and repairs. He ensures our reputation has reflected in the quality services we offer. Services include repair & maintenance, installation, and upgrades. Our Electricians have the skills and know-how to meet your requirements, all at a great value. Whatever your precise electrical needs, we offer services which can help you meet them. Installation of electric ports at your domestic or commercial property -Single-phase and 3-phase installations of electrical works

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Ac Repair installation
Air Cooler
water purifier service
Microwave oven
Chimney repair
civil electrical contractors
Low service charges at doorstep in your city
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Ac Repair installation

Air Cooler


water purifier service

Microwave oven

chimney repair