How To Find A Good House With Vastu

Gruha Vastu is very important for all the effects of our day to day life activities.
Pooja Room-In olden (golden) days, many elders suggested keeping the Pooja room only in the Northeast corner, where God Eshwar resides.
Kitchen Vastu-A kitchen should always be at the Southeast corner of the house or somewhat to the Northwest corner of the house as a second-best placement.
Dining Room-It is always good to have the dining room, nearer the kitchen or even attached to it. In this process, care should be taken to place it either at the Southeast corner or the Northwest corner or even the Northeast corner of the house.
Store Room-For storing grains, a mezzanine floor can be constructed in South or West or Southwest of the storeroom. Cupboards or racks should be placed in the heavy directions like West, South or Southwest.
living room-Most of the time we are alone in the living room after the bedroom. Hence living room plays a vital role according to Vastu.