3 Things You Must Check Before Buying Plot in India

“Buy land, they’re not making it anymore,” these golden words by Mark Twain still holds true with property values inching to a new high every year.

Since time immemorial, the land is an integral part of the investment portfolio of a typical Indian investor. After all, it is an appreciating asset that also gives one a sense of ownership.

Before the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 came into existence, rampant plot dealings were very common in Indian cities. With stringent norms in place, the things have now changed for good. Having said that, it is always advisable to be cautious while buying a plot of land in India.

For your investment to be sound, we have created a step-by-step guide for you.

Step 1: The documentation

The tedious paperwork might sound like a nightmare but is it a necessity. Here’s a list of documents that you must ask the seller.

Title deed: This document ensures that the seller has undisputed legal ownership of the land. Do not accept a photocopy of the deed. Once you receive the original title deed, scrutinise it. The land must be in the name of the seller. Next, check whether the seller has full rights to sell the land and that he is the sole owner of it. You can check these by running a ‘title search’ on the registration website of the state government. You can always consult your lawyer to be sure.

As a smart buyer, you should also ask for previous title deeds of the land, if any.

Step 2: The ground-work

After the paperwork, it’s the time to check the ground realities.

Measure the land: Yes. The first step is to check the dimensions of the plot. You can also get a surveyor to do this.

Check the FSI: The Floor Space Index (FSI) of the land determines the extent of construction on a piece of land. For instance, if you have a plot sized 2,000 sq. ft. with an FSI of 100%, then you can build a house on 2,000 sq. ft. If the FSI for the same plot is 50%, then you can only construct on 1,000 sq. ft. of land.

Appreciation potential: Do your research and invest in a plot that will offer good returns in the times to come. If you are confident, you can also go with the stock market approach of picking an undervalued stock (plot) and waiting for it to appreciate. 

Step 3: The actual process

After Step 1 and Step 2, you need to arrange documents that you, as a buyer, should have for registration. These include:

Sale Agreement: As in the case of any property, the first step is to draft an sale agreement between both the parties involved. Your agreement should cover the following:

•    Particulars of the land

•    Agreed cost of the land between seller and buyer

•    The advance amount given by the buyer

•    The period in which the actual sale should take place

•    Cancellation claus

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