open plots for sale in Yadamari check post, Chittoor, nh4 chennai to banglore hiway
- CHITTOOR, Chittoor Dist, Andhrapradesh
- Parking , Security Amenities
- 1500 sqfts
- East-west Facing
- 2&4 wheeler Parking
- Roads in feets 20+, 40+ Roads in feets
₹ 850sqft(Negotiable)
open plots for sale in Yadamari check post, Chittoor, nh4 chennai to banglore hiway
- CHITTOOR, Chittoor Dist, Andhrapradesh
- Parking , Security Amenities
- 1500 sqfts
- East-west Facing
- 2&4 wheeler Parking
- Roads in feets 20+, 40+ Roads in feets
₹ 850sqft(Negotiable)
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