Vijayawada amaravathi metro rail project
Vijayawada Metro rail project: Connecting Key Areas In Vijayawada, the first phase will feature two corridors extending 38.40 kilometers with 34 stations. The routes will connect Gannavaram to Pandit Nehru Bus Station (PNBS) and PNBS to Penamaluru. The project will cost Rs 11,009 crore, including Rs 1,152 crore for land…
Vishakha metro rail project
Visakhapatnam Metro: A Three-Corridor Start Visakhapatnam’s metro rail project will begin with three corridors covering 46.23 kilometers and including 42 stations. These corridors will connect Steel Plant Junction to Kommadi, Gurudwara to Old Post Office, and Thatichetlapalem to China Waltair. For this phase, 99.75 acres of land will be acquired…
google data centers in Visakhapatnam and the minister lokesh invited Google Cloud ceo|1lakh crore investment
Andhra Pradesh’s IT and Electronics Minister Nara Lokesh has pitched port city of Vizag in his state for setting up a data centre to Google Cloud CEO, saying the new government in the state has taken various initiatives for supporting industry that will help it transform into a cloud infrastructure…
Google signs MoU with Andhra Pradesh government to accelerate AI adoption and innovations
Google signs MoU with AP govt to accelerate AI adoption and innovation Andhra Pradesh has entered into an agreement with Google under which the tech giant will help the state in adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields including healthcare, and also give a fillip to the local startup…
Requirements for restaurant space
Here are some key requirements to consider when searching for a restaurant space: Location Space and Layout Infrastructure and Utilities Safety and Regulatory Compliance Additional Considerations By carefully evaluating these requirements, you can find a restaurant space that meets your needs and sets your business up for success. for more…
solar rooftops/సోలార్ రూఫ్టాప్ సిస్టమ్స్ యొక్క ప్రయోజనాలు
సోలార్ రూఫ్టాప్ సిస్టమ్లు పునరుత్పాదక శక్తిని వినియోగించుకోవడానికి మరియు సాంప్రదాయ గ్రిడ్ పవర్పై మీ ఆధారపడటాన్ని తగ్గించడానికి ఒక అద్భుతమైన మార్గం. ఇక్కడ ఒక అవలోకనం ఉంది: సోలార్ రూఫ్టాప్ సిస్టమ్స్ యొక్క ప్రయోజనాలు సోలార్ రూఫ్టాప్ సిస్టమ్ యొక్క భాగాలు ఇన్స్టాలేషన్ పరిగణనలు పెట్టుబడిపై ఖర్చు మరియు రాబడి మీరు సోలార్ రూఫ్టాప్ సిస్టమ్ల గురించి మరింత తెలుసుకోవాలనుకుంటున్నారా లేదా ఇన్స్టాలేషన్, ఖర్చులు లేదా ప్రయోజనాల గురించి నిర్దిష్ట…
Benefits of Solar Rooftop Systems
Solar rooftop systems are an excellent way to harness renewable energy and reduce your reliance on traditional grid power. Here’s an overview: Benefits of Solar Rooftop Systems Components of a Solar Rooftop System Installation Considerations Cost and Return on Investment Would you like to know more about solar rooftop systems…
started operations of Tata Consultancy Services in Visakhapatnam.
The government has granted permission to start operations of Tata Consultancy Services in Visakhapatnam. The building required for this has also been decided to be leased. The Dallas Technology Center building in Visakhapatnam has been allotted to TCS. Fourteen hundred people can work here in a single shift. TCS has…
Chennai and Bangalore are two major cities in southern India, with distinct development trajectories. Here’s a comparative analysis of their development and potential connections with Chittoor and Vellore:
Chennai and Bangalore are two major cities in southern India, with distinct development trajectories. Here’s a comparative analysis of their development and potential connections with Chittoor and Vellore: Chennai Bangalore Comparative Development Connecting Chances between Chittoor, Vellore, and Chennai/Bangalore By leveraging these connections, Chittoor and Vellore can benefit from the…